The health and safety of preschool communities continue to be Bright Star’s top priority, especially as we monitor the COVID-19 Delta variant. We know the number of kids hospitalized with Covid in the U.S. hits a record high recently, so we need to do our part to protect our children.

We are continuing to follow CDC, state/local guidelines, and Seattle Public School guidelines. Including:

Sick: stay home if you’re sick. Classrooms will only be open to well individuals.

If your child has felt unwell or displayed symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that all household members stay home until they’ve been symptom-free without medication for at least 24 hours. If you did the COVID-19 test, please show the result to the teacher.

Travel: If anyone is not fully vaccinated and must travel (including children), After you travel:

  • Get tested with a viral test 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for a full 7 days after travel, then can return to preschool.

    • Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days.

    • If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.

  • If you don’t get tested, stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel then return to preschool. (please go to the CDC website to get more details).

  • Please let the teacher know before you travel.

Masks: Masks are required for students ages 2 and up, teachers and parents. Please let the kid wear the mask at the porch.


Cleaning: Classrooms and common spaces will be cleaned and disinfected each day.


Classroom: Drop-off and pick-up at the porch, teacher will do health screening and temperature checks each day. Everyone who enter the school need to do handwashing and sanitizing.